Our turbos are produced with high quality standards and 100% technology developed by Biagio. All the differentials that guarantee trust and quality are exclusive.
Triple sealing seal
They have greater resistance to leakage caused by motor blowing. They do not leak oil into the intake system, even if the engine is restricted in the air filter. They do not contaminate the intercooler by oil leakage from the turbo, reducing the wearing and the risking of the engine firing.
Axial bearing
With more support points than conventional, they prevent the premature breaking of the internal components, when the motor brake is triggered or by any action that can cause axial stress.
Heat sink
They protect the rotating assembly against premature wearing caused by high temperature.
Oil pan
They prevent damage to the central axis due to cold start and/or hot stop.
Quality Testing
In the video we present a comparison between the Biagio turbo and its competitor, in order to show the superior performance before the similar ones.
End of Oil Leakage
The oil leakage through the compressor housing is one of the main occurrences of the turbochargers, Biagio has brought to the market a triple seal system with a labyrinth flange, where if a failure occurs that causes the leakage, the oil must overcome the ring, thus falling in the return channels to the central housing, which exist inside the flange, if even the oil passes through this labyrinth there is another ring that prevents the passage, so it is called a triple seal system.
With the oil leakage the vehicle is subject to several factors that can cause damage to the engine, among them are:
Oil leakage from the
compressor housing
Loss of engine oil
As the turbocharger is lubricated with the same engine oil, if there is a leak, the entire internal engine system is compromised;
Soaking of the intercooler and the entire intake system
If the oil passes into the intake system, the intercooler may become clogged and the vehicle may start to release smoke in electronic motors, and contamination of the sensors may occur deregulating the engine.
Power loss
Poorly tightened or out of position bracket, holed or clogged intercooler, or punctured hoses are causes of air leakage, which consequently allow the oil to leak and the engine to lose power;